I made the smoothies again. This time I used only frozen mango and the tropical drink that I know the boy loves. I made it because he had two of his friends over after school yesterday and I was hoping that maybe because his friends were here, he would drink it and love it. And in return tell me that I was best and most beautiful mom in the whole world. Hey! A girl can dream!
So this is the reality of how really happened. The boy’s friends LOVED it. They gobbled up their smoothies like there was no tomorrow. The boy? He sniffed it. He reluctantly made a face while he sipped what could only be considered a microscopic sip and then declared that he didn’t want it. His friends were flabbergasted! They wanted to know how he couldn’t like it. Then – they went on to make bids for the remainder of his smoothie. The boy was not swayed. He had decided that he didn’t like it and no amount of peer pressure was going to make him change his mind.
That is the way it is with a lot of picky eaters. They make up their mind and that is final. My advice is to keep trying. Try different ways, try the same ways, and make up new ways. Just keep trying. The boy used to refuse to eat any form of an apple. He hated (and still does) applesauce. He really hated the fruit itself. But, little by little, and by constant trying, he started eating apples if they were cut and peeled. Now, he eats them without the peel being removed. He will eat it by biting into it – if that is his only choice, but still prefers that they are cut. The fact is, he changed and now will eat apples. (Applesauce is still on his no go list)
And as for not succumbing to peer-pressure in regards to drinking his smoothie, maybe this will carry over to when his friends pressure him later in life. One can only hope!